Beal prize – first approach

May be you already heard that so called Beal Prize was increased to 1.000.000$ ( So if you can find positive integers A^x+B^y=C^z where x,y,z > 2 and A,B,C dont have common factor, you can get a lot of cash. As you can see its not a complication to write a piece of code to check some range of numbers, or generator to generate some lucky numbers. Its officially checked only in range where all numbers are less than 1000.

So i decided to try my luck.

As first approach i decided to generate a lot of prime numbers (15.000.000 for start). This is C++ code for relatively fast generation of prime numbers:

// Primes

int MAXPRIME = 15000000;

unsigned long * primeNumbers = new unsigned long[MAXPRIME];

LOG << “Computing “ << MAXPRIME << ” prime numbers…” << NL;



primeNumbers[0] = 2;

primeNumbers[1] = 3;

long x = 3;

long sqrtIndex = 0;

for (int i = 2; i < MAXPRIME; i++)


bool ok = false;

while (!ok)


x += 2;

if ((x % 6 == 1) || (x % 6 == 5))


ok = true;

while (primeNumbers[sqrtIndex] * primeNumbers[sqrtIndex] < x)



for (int j = 0; j <= sqrtIndex; j++)

if (x % primeNumbers[j] == 0)

{ ok = false; break; }



primeNumbers[i] = x;

if (i % 100000 == 0)

LOG << i << ” [ “ << primeNumbers[i] << ” ] “ << NL;



LOG.profile(“Computing “ + SS::toString(MAXPRIME) + ” prime numbers was completed”);

To check Beal conjecture we need support of very long integers for C++. I have my own implementation, but you can use any decent library.As first straight-forward approach i decided to do in endless cycle the following (until i get lucky numbers):

  • Get two random prime numbers from pregenerated array.
  • Generate random x,y,z within reasonable range.
  • Compute S=A^x+B^Y
  • Compute the most close C – which gives (2*C)^z ~ S (i have used simple method of bisection).
  • If (2*C)^z == S break and report success.

I got yet no success, and some mathematicians tell that conjecture is probably true. But still why not to try to search if it is so easy.